Help: Map Settings
Map Key

You must get a map key from Google in order to use Google Maps on your site. To get a map key, you must also have a Google user ID. If you are already signed up for Google Mail, you can use that user ID, otherwise you will need to create a new Google account. You must also enable billing on your Google account. Once you have an account with billing enabled, you can obtain a key here:

Once you're there, first select your project. From the API library (section Maps) select and enable the following three keys: Maps JavaScript API , Geocoding API, and Places API. Maps JavaScript API is needed to show the google map to your site visitors, with a marker at the various places (place of birth, death, mariage etc). Geocoding API is used in the admin section of your website to associate places with coordinates.

Go to for more information.

  • Generate the API key under "APIs & Services (Credentials)", plus add your site address as an "HTTP referrer".
  • Enable the "Maps Javascript API" under the "Google Maps" menu.

After you receive your key, paste it into the Map Key field on the TNG Map Settings page. If later you decide not to use Google Maps, simply remove the key from this field and the maps and map-related fields will no longer display. More information on getting started with Google Maps can be found on the TNG Wiki:

Map Type

Choose which type of map will be displayed first: Terrain, Road Map, Satellite or Hybrid (a satellite image with streets laid out on top).

Starting Latitude, Starting Longitude

These coordinates determine where the default "center" of the map is for any place that does not yet have any assigned coordinates. The pin will start at that location.

Starting Zoom

This number indicates how close up or far away new Google Maps in the Admin area should be displayed to begin with. Lower numbers mean that the view is farther away, while higher numbers mean the view is closer. Once the zoom is saved for a particular map, it will be saved with that map.

Location Zoom

This number indicates how close up or far away a Google Map in the Admin area should be displayed after a location is searched for and located.

Dimensions, Individual Page

Enter the dimensions (width must be in pixels with "px" at the end, or as a percentage; height must be in pixels with "px" at the end) for the map displayed on each person's individual page. For example, to make the map be 500 pixels high, set the Height to 500px. To make the map reach 80 percent of the way across the allotted area, set the Width to 80%.

Dimensions, Headstones Pages

Enter the dimensions for the maps displayed on all headstone-related pages (width must be in pixels with "px" at the end, or as a percentage; height must be in pixels with "px" at the end)

Dimensions, Admin Pages

Enter the dimensions for the maps displayed on all Admin pages (width must be in pixels with "px" at the end, or as a percentage; height must be in pixels with "px" at the end).

Hide Admin Maps to Start

To hide the maps on the Admin pages until the Show/Hide button is clicked, select Yes here. To have the maps displayed by default when the pages are displayed, select No.

Hide Public Maps to Start

To delay loading the map on the individual person pages until the user calls for it, select Yes here. This will allow the page to load more quickly. The map will be loaded as soon as the Show the map button is clicked. If you select No, then the map on the person page will always load be shown when the page loads.

Consolidate Duplicate Pins

If multiple events for an individual occurred at the same location, setting this option to Yes will prevent duplicate pins from being created for non-unique place names. Note: Setting this option to No will cause duplicate pins to obstruct each other.

Place Levels Pins: Labels and Colors

Each geocode location can be associated with one of six Place Levels (e.g., Location, Town/City, County/Shire, etc.). The labels for these levels can be found in the "alltext.php" file in each language folder, and you may override them in your "cust_text.php" file (also in each language folder).

The pin colors are determined by values set in mapconfig.php. If you would like to change the pin colors, go to the TNG downloads page and download the full palette of 216 different pin colors, then open your mapconfig.php file in a text editor and enter the number of the new pin color next to the corresponding place level variable. Finally, upload the new pin image file(s) to the googlemaps folder on your site.