

Nathaniel Steele III was born March 3, 1803

Sarah Steele was born December 4, 1804 (Theses are Jane McClelland and Nathaniel Steele's)

William McClelland Smiley was born August 18, 1810 (John Smiley and ane McCutchan's)

Rebecca steele Smiley was born January 25, 1819

Thomas Price Smiley was born January 25, 1819

John Andrew Smiley was born September 13th, 1822

There are nine lisings of children for Nathaniel Steele and Martha McCutchan a daughter and son didn't live. I'm not listig them.




Nathaniel Steele died March 13, 1806 (Jane McClelland's husband)

Thomas Price Smiley died August 13, 1824

Jane Smiley died October 29, 1834 (This is Jane McCutchan Smiley, William's wife)

Rebecca S. Smiley died July 19, 1840

William Mccutchan died June 1848 (Child of McCutchan?)

Nathaniel Steele III died January 6, 1877 - 73 yr, 10 mo, 3 da

Martha McCutchan Steele died May 1, 1880 - 79 yr, 4 mo. 25 da

William Nathaniel Steele died January 30, 1828

Jane Rossanah Steele Spencer died August 11, 1848

James Anderson Steele died February 1, 1852

William McCutchan Steele died October 27, 1874




Nathaniel and Jane Steele Married February 11, 1802

John and Jane Smiley married September 21, 1809

Sarah Steele (Sally) married Robert McCormick March 4, 1824

Nathaniel Steele married Martha McCutchan November 25, 1824

Robert Finley Steele married Mary Elizabeth White March 11, 1858

William McCuchan Steele married Elizabeth M. Burnside April 2, 1857

John Henderson Steele married Mary J. Duncan, February 9, 1865

Sarah Elizabeth Steele married Joseph K. McCampbell, September 17, 1863



Jane McClelland b. May 9, 1779

William Mccutchan b. November 27, 1779

Jane Finley wife of William McCutchan born February 4, 1770

Martha Mccutchan born December 6, 1800
