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Pin colors represent the 'precision' of the latitude and longitude behind the placename.
For instance, the sky blue pins point to the center of a state and and represent the entiore area of a state. Thus, they are rather imprecise.
On the other hand, the yellow pins point to cities, which are much, much smaller. Thus, the yellow pins are much more precise than the ski blue pins.
(In this particular map, it would probably be more useful for the pin colors to represent types of data. e.g. blue for birth, yellow for marriage, and so on.)
Pin numbers count the locations
The first data point in the map (usually the starting person's birth) will be marked with #1, and the next data point (often the starting person's death) will be pin #2, unless the two events happened in the same place, in which case they will both be represented by pin #1 and the next event at a different location (perhaps the starting person's burial; perhaps the starting person's grandmother's birth ,etc) will be marked with pin #2.
If any event (perhaps the starting person's great-grandmother's death) is in the same place as an event that has alreadty been proceed, it will be represented by the same pin.
Overlapping pins
If two places are close to each other, then one pin may overlap or completely hide the other. However, both pins are likely to become visible as you zoom into the map.
Pin colors
It is natural to think that it might be useful for the pin colors to represent event types (blue for birth, yellow for marriage, and so on) rather than placename precision.
And it might be but there's a complication. That is, many pins on an ancestor map are likely to represent multiple events, of different types. Pins like that cant have a meaningful color, except perhaps something such as white to indicate that the pin represents different kinds of events.
Pin numbers
Similarly, it is natural to think that it might be useful for the pin numbers to represent generations.
But again, the multiple-event pins interfere with that notion.
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