
Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA  Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA


Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA
Memorial Park Cemetery, Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA

Primary Birth events within Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 Philipps, Lowell Jr17 May 1928(here)17 May 1928(here)I24741

Primary Death events within Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA

   Name  Death BirthPerson ID
1 Haden, Virgil Lee10 Dec 1921(here)2 Nov 1912Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, _I24142
2 Houston, William Addison29 Jul 1927(here)22 Sep 1892Missouri, _I20672
3 Philipps, Lowell Jr17 May 1928(here)17 May 1928(here)I24741

Residence events within Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, USA

   Name  Residence BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Roberson, William G1930(here)Abt 1893Texas, _  I28531
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