
Shropshire, England  Shropshire, England


Shropshire, England
Astley Abbotts, Shropshire, England

Primary Birth events within Shropshire, England

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 Billingsley, Agatha1614(here)1715 I25417
2 Billingsley, Bridgett1622(here)1720NetherlandsI25415
3 Billingsley, Francis1620(here)1684Calvert County, Maryland, USAI21272
4 Billingsley, James1616(here)1663Maryland, USAI21628
5 Billingsley, Joanne1626(here)1725GermanyI25418
6 Billingsley, John1587Astley Abbotts1659NetherlandsI21624
7 Billingsley, John1612(here)9 Nov 1663Chuckatuck, Nansemond County, Virginia, USAI21627
8 Billingsley, Mary1630(here)1730NetherlandsI25413
9 Billingsley, Thomas1618(here)1673Dorchester County, Maryland, USAI21629
10 Billingsley, Walter1630(here)1631(here)I25416
11 Billingsley, Walter1632(here)1740NetherlandsI25414
12 Billingsley, William1628(here)Dec 1657Richmond, Wise County, Virginia, USAI21626
13 Cooper, Agatha1593(here)1666Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NetherlandsI21625

Primary Death events within Shropshire, England

   Name  Death BirthPerson ID
1 Billingsley, Walter1631(here)1630(here)I25416

Baptism events within Shropshire, England

   Name  Baptism BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Billingsley, John7 Sep 1592Astley Abbotts1587Astley Abbotts1659NetherlandsI21624

Primary Marriage events within Shropshire, England

   Family  Marriage Family ID
1 John Billingsley / Agatha Cooper1612(here)F20727
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