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Edith Richmond in about 1991 (age 93) with 11 of 13 great-grandchildren, and some representatives of the intervening generations. Standing in the back - Daughter Ann Sewell, Chris Sewell (Granville's son), Michael Sewell (Kirk's son), Molly Roseberry (Melanie's daughter), Grandson Granville Sewell, Granddaughter Beth Hendrix. Sitting on chairs and stools: Elizabeth Hendrix (Beth's daughter), Granddaughter Melanie Roseberry, Grandmother, Elizabeth Sewell (Kirk's daughter), Daniel Sewell: hidden, (Kirk's son), Mandy Roseberry (Melanie's daughter), Carmen Hendrix (Beth's daughter)On the ground: Kevin Sewell (Granville's son), Jake Roseberry (Melanie's son), Valerie Hendrix (Beth's daughter)

Back: Daughter Ann Sewell, Chris Sewell, Michael Sewell, Molly Roseberry, Grandson Granville Sewell, Granddaughter Beth Richmond Hendrix Middle: Elizabeth Hendrix, Granddaughter Melanie Richmond Roseberry, Edith, Elizabeth Sewell, Kevin Sewell, Carmen Hendrix Front: Daniel Sewell, Jake Roseberry, Valerie Hendrix, Mandy Roseberry

File name4Generations-GrandmotherEdith-Arkansas.jpg
File Size590.78k
Dimensions1154 x 797
CaptionEdith Richmond in about 1991 (age 93) with all 12 great-grandchildren, and some representatives of the intervening generations. Standing in the back - Daughter Ann Sewell, Chris Sewell (Granville's son), Michael Sewell (Kirk's son), Molly Roseberry (Melanie's daughter), Grandson Granville Sewell, Granddaughter Beth Hendrix. Sitting on chairs and stools: Elizabeth Hendrix (Beth's daughter), Granddaughter Melanie Roseberry, Grandmother, Elizabeth Sewell (Kirk's daughter), Daniel Sewell: hidden, (Kirk's son), Mandy Roseberry (Melanie's daughter), Carmen Hendrix (Beth's daughter)On the ground: Kevin Sewell (Granville's son), Jake Roseberry (Melanie's son), Valerie Hendrix (Beth's daughter)
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