Help: Cemeteries

About Cemeteries in TNG

To use the TNG Cemeteries feature effectively, it is important to fully understand the relationship between "Cemeteries" and "Burial Placenames" in TNG. Most fundamentally,

  • It is common for record-keepers to omit facility names from Birth, Death, and Burial events, and
  • It is natural for new TNG admins to try to maintain that convention, and to use the Cemeteries feature to separate those events by Cemetery.
  • But Burial placenames that you want to associate with a cemetery must include the cemetery name.

The Cemeteries article in the TNG Wiki explains the TNG Cemeteries feature and the requirements for making it work in great detail.



The Cemeteries Search Form (as modified by the Admin Cemeteries Search mod) allows you to
  • Enter a search string to match all or part the Cemetery name and certain other fields (including location components) in the Cemetery record,
  • Select Location components from "smart" drop-down lists (IF the site administrator has used Admin Cemeteries Search Mod Parameter to enable the Location selection fields),
  • Control whether certain fields are searched for the search string
  • Determine whether certain information will be included in or excluded from the search results table, and
  • Control the sort order of the Cemeteries found by the search.

Your search criteria for this page will be remembered until you click the Reset button, which restores all default values and searches again.


The Action buttons next to each search result allow you to edit, delete or preview that result. To delete more than one record at a time, click the box in the Select column for each record to be deleted, then click the "Delete Selected" button at the top of the list. Use the Select All or Clear All buttons to toggle all select boxes at once.

Changes made by the Admin Cemeteries Search Mod

There is also an annotated screenshot of the Admin Cemeteries Search page in the Visualizations section of the Admin Cemeteries Search mod's Wiki article. (This link will open a new window. That should allow you to view the details above and the screenshot in separate browser windows.

In the wiki page, the "Show Annotation" hyperlink just below that screenshot brings up 0(1detailed annotion of that screenshot. Overall, the wiki's annotation is numbered to correspond to the screensho. there is detailed 2.annotations of that screenshotThere is also detailed annotation of that screenshot .


Add New / Edit Existing Cemeteries

TNG allows you to categorize and display your headstone photos by cemetery. To do that, you must set up a new cemetery record for each location. Cemetery records in TNG are not related to place records and there is no GEDCOM convention for cemeteries, so even if your GEDCOM file contains cemetery names in some of your burial locations, those names will not cause cemetery records to be created in TNG when your GEDCOM file is imported.

Read more about Cemeteries at the top of this help page, or for far more detail, the TNG Wiki article on Cemeteries.

To Add a New Cemetery, click on the Add New tab, which will take you to Cemetery edit page (but still carrying the Add New tab.
You enter new data much as you would edit a existing cemetery record, but as you fill in blank fields, you may find the Placename Lookup and Copy widget on the form to be particularly useful, as it can use the placename you look up to populate the Cemetery location fields.

  1. When you click the Placename Lookup and Copy button, you'll get a popup window with a search field.If you've entered a cemetery name (or part of one), that value will be placed in the search field, and if you've entered location values, they will be added.
  2. But you don't need to enter the cemtery name or cemetery location fields, because the Placename Lookup and Copy widget can define them for you.
  3. Once there is any value in the widget's search fields, you can search the Places table for all matching places.
  4. When you select a placename
    1. The entre placename will be copied to the cemetery record's Associated Placename field, and
    2. If you have checked the appropriate check-boxes above the search results, the widget will pouplate
      • The cemetery's City, State, County, and Country fields, and/or
      • The cemetery's Latitude, Longitude, and Zoom fields.
    3. If the placename has fewer than five parts (Cemetery, City, County, State, and Country), the width must decide which of the location fields to skip.
      • It will always put the two rightmost values in the Country and State fields (updating those selection lists)
      • Using USA conventions, if the third part from the right ends with "County" or"Parish" or their abbreviations "Co" and "Par" (with or withou perionds) it will save that value in the County fields. Otherwise it will save that value in the City field.
      • This convention comes from (but is not dependent on) the Placename Format mod. The author of Placename Format and , or st part (think of the placename value as placename-parts separated by commas) will
      • window You can select the Associated Place from the Find Place button (with the spyglass enu were editing an existing cemetery.

        To Edit an existing cemetery, use the Search tab to locate the cemetery, then click the hyperlinked cemetery name or the Edit icon at the beginning of that row in the results tabe You'll then be taken to the same form as the Add New process.

        The Cemetery Edit form has been modified heavily by the Admin Cemetery Edit mod which you can read more about at its TNG Wiki page.
        The form now includes the following fields and controls.

        (Because of mod configuration settings, some sections of the form might be in a different order than shown here.) (not necessarily in the order shown here).

        Cemetery Name
        Make sure to enter the full, proper name for the cemetery. For example, 'Resthaven Cemetery' should be entered that way, not as 'Resthaven'.
        City, County/Parish, State/Province/Shire, Country
        You may enter any value for City and for County/Parish, but you must select a value for State/Province/Shire and Country. A button labeled 'Add to the selection list' will pop up as you type in the 'New Country' or 'New State' fields. Any value you add will be added to the list and automatically selected,. but will not be saved as a future selection value unless it is selected when you save the record.ou save it as you save this record.,value you type will not be saved in the database;
        Associated Placename
        You may enter a complete placename here, or use one of three buttons to define it. Since the Associated Placename must match a placename in the Places table, it is usually best to use the Find Place or Placename Lookup & Copy buttons, which search the Places table.
        1. The spyglass icon
          This button pops up the standard TNG Find Place form. The search key is seeded with the existing Associated Placename. You may, of course, enter a different search key. When you search, you will get a list of matching Placenames, and you may select one.
        2. Admin Cemetery Edit mod The new Placename Lookup & Copy button
          This button also pops-up a search form, but this lookup mechanism is both more complex and more powerful than the spyglass icon lookup.
          Like the spyglass form, it starts with a search field (in this case initialized by the Cemetery Name) and a search button. You can search based on the cemetery name, but this lookup widget offers more possibilities

          As with the simpler spyglass lookup, the search results contain a list of matching placenames, and you can select one to be the Associated Placename, but again, you can do more

        3. The Fill Placename button
          If you have entered the Cemetery location components (City, County, etc), but not the full Associated Placename, you may use this button to copy the Cemetery Name and the Cemetery location components to the Associated Placename field.

        If you have multiple trees and they each have their own placelist, please note that Cemetery records do not specify the tree to which the asociated placename belongs. Consequently, if you the same place name in two trees, the Cemetery record will actually link to both places, and Cemetery & Headstones reports will generally match burials in both trees
        Gecodes: Latitude, Longitude & Zoom
        You may
        • Fill in the three fields,
        • Use the clickable Google Map to set the values, or
        • Use the Placename Lookup & Copy tool to copy these fields from a Placename.

        If you check the Copy the geocode information... checkbox next to the Zoom field, the information will be copied when you submit the form.

        When the Latitude and Longitude are missing, the map may automatically determine Latitude and Longitude values. When it does, a message is displayed above the Latitude and Longitude telling you that they have been automatically set by the map, but have not been saved.
        Show/Hide Clickable Map

        Click the "Show/Hide Clickable Map" button to show the Google Map. This feature is only active if you have received a "key" from Google and entered it in your TNG Map Settings (see the Map Settings Help for more information). Click the button again to hide the map. To have Google Maps search for a location, enter that location in the Geocode Location field and click the "Search" button. Alternately, you can click and drag on the map to move the "pin" until it sits at the desired location. You can also use the Zoom controls to show more detail around the desired area. See the Google Maps Help page for more information. Also see the Map Settings Help for information on default settings for your maps.


        If additional information is needed to describe the cemetery, its location, or who of significance in your database is buried there, enter that information here.

        (The FindAGrave Links mod allows you to enter a FindAGrave Cemetery ID in the form CRid=nnnn here, and the mod will cause the Cemetery Detail program (showmap.php) to expand that abbreviated reference to a link to the FindAGrave page.)
        Cemetery Image
        Option 1: Upload an Image File
        You may associated a single image file - perhaps a detailed map of the cemtery and its plots, or perhaps a photo - with the Cemtery. To upload a new image, you can browse the files on your computer and select and image file.

        (Note that different web browsers use different names for the button that browses your PC for the file to upload, and display the filename you select in different ways.)

        The new file is always saved in or below your Headstones folder. Use the Filepath... field to specify what that image file should be called on the server, and, if you want, the path within the Headstones folder where it should be stored. The file will be uploaded and saved when you submit the form.

        The Browse the Headstones folder button is there simply to let you see what files and folders already exist. You cannot use it to select or create a file or folder. You may be able to use the "Make Folder" button at Admin >> Setup >> General Settings to create the folder if it does not already exist. If that fails, use an FTP program or online file manager.

        If you specify a Headstones sub-folder that does not exist, you will get an run-time error. The error will occur after data from the form has been saved.

        Option 2: Choose an Existing Image File

        Use the Select button to browse the web server for an existing file in or below your Headstones folder. (It is OK if that image file is already be associated with a Person record.)

        Admin Cemetery Edit mod The Admin Cemetery Edit mod has several mod options that affect the display of this form, including settings that determine whether the Geocode and Cemetery Image fields are placed above or below the map. See the mod's Wiki article for details.


Deleting Cemeteries

To delete one cemetery, use the Search tab to locate the cemetery, then click on the Delete icon next to that cemetery record. The row will change color and then vanish as the cemetery is deleted. To delete more than one cemetery at a time, check the box in the Select column next to each cemetery to be deleted, then click the "Delete Selected" button at the top of the page.

The Places record for the Cemetery's Associate Place will not be affected when you delete a cemetery.