Help: Places


Locate existing Places by searching for all or part of the Place Name. Select a Tree to limit the results to places assigned to that tree. Check "Missing Latitude or Longitude" to show only places that still need geocoding. Check "Find only LDS temple codes" to only show 5-character place names that have been flagged as LDS temples. Check the "Exact match only" option to further narrow your search. Searching with no options selected and no value in the search box will find all Places in your database.

Check "No associated events" to only show places that are not associated with any events.

Your search criteria for this page will be remembered until you click the Reset button, which restores all default values and searches again.


The Action buttons next to each search result allow you to edit, delete or preview that result. To delete more than one record at a time, click the box in the Select column for each record to be deleted, then click the "Delete Selected" button at the top of the list. Use the Select All or Clear All buttons to toggle all select boxes at once.

Changes to Admin>>Media>>Search made by the Admin Places Search mod
  1. Shortens some column headings and prompts
  2. Changes the search option Missing latitude or longitude
    to Geocodes? Yes No Either
  3. Similarly, changes the option Place level not set
    to Placelevel? Yes No Either
  4. Add two search options to the search form:
    • Has a cemetery link
    • Has notes
    The presence of these search options is controlled by mod options
  5. Adds three display options that generate their own columns in the results table.
    1. Show Cemetery Links (Displays just a small button that links to the Cemetery record.)
    2. Show Notes
    3. Show Modification Date (Actually, the modification date is displayed by default in the native program.)
  6. Adds the option Results per page , which overrides the system variable $maxsearchresults - only for this page.
  7. Allows the Regular Expression anchor characters ^ and $ to be placed at the beginning and/or the end of the search string. For instance, if you want to search for the country "Mexico", but not the state "New Mexico", you could specify "Mexico$" to match only those placenames where "Mexico" occurs at the very end.
  8. Places a fieldset border around the search form to help disguish it from the action/pagination form,
  9. Displays the tree and searchstring parameters (if they have values) just above the results table.
  10. A mod option controls whether the Placelevel Descriptions (such as "Location", "City/Town", etc.) are shown rather than just the numbers that represent those values,
  11. Omits the Tree column if a tree was selected,
  12. Displays the geoignore field when displaying places without a Latitude or Longitude value.
  13. If the Admin Places Geocodes mod has been installed, then the Latitude and Longitude displayed in the Admin Places Search results table will be rounded to the number of decimal digits specified by the Admin Places Geocodes mod option.
  14. The form now uses "Field Buttons", which are attached to specific fields and that quickly perform the specific editing tasks. The Field Buttons are visible only if the optional Field Buttons mod has been installed.
    The four Field Buttons are:
    • Clear the field ('X'),
    • Reload or Restore the initial Value ('R'),
    • Load a Default value ('D'), and
    • Set a value for "All Items" ('A').
  15. If the optional Show Mod Names mod has been installed, and depending on the Show Mod Names mod settings, a "Show Mods" button may be displayed (to administrators only) at the bottom of the page. You can click on the button to see which of (my) mods have affected the program.


Add New / Edit Existing Places

TNG automatically adds a new Place record every time you enter a new place in Admin/People, in Admin/Families, or as part of any Custom Event. If you change an existing place on any of those screens and the result is a new, unique place name, then a new Place record will also be created.

To add a new place, click on the Add New tab, then fill out the form. To make changes to an existing Place, use the Search tab to locate the Place, then click on the Edit icon next to that line. When adding or editing a Place, take note of the following:


If your General Settings are configured so that Places are assigned to Trees, you will see a Tree selection box here. If that's the case, then select one of your existing trees, as each Place must be assigned to a tree. Note: The tree assignment may not be changed once a Place is created (instead, delete the Place and re-add it under another tree). If you don't want Places to be assigned to Trees, go to Admin/Setup/General Settings/Miscellaneous to change that.


Enter the name of your Place with the smallest locality first and the largest locality last. All localities should be separated by commas. For example, Sandy, Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Do not use ambiguous or little-known abbreviations.

Show/Hide Clickable Map

Click the "Show/Hide Clickable Map" button to show the Google Map. This feature is only active if you have received a "key" from Google and entered it in your TNG Map Settings (see the Map Settings Help for more information). Click the button again to hide the map. To have Google Maps search for a location, enter that location in the Geocode Location field and click the "Search" button. Alternately, you can click and drag on the map to move the "pin" until it sits at the desired location. You can also use the Zoom controls to show more detail around the desired area. See the Google Maps Help page for more information. Also see the Map Settings Help for information on default settings for your maps.


Enter the latitude and longitude coordinates of the Place or use the Clickable Google Map to set the values (optional, see above).


Enter the zoom level or adjust the zoom controls on the Google Map above to set the zoom level. This option is only available if you have received a "key" from Google and entered it in your TNG Map Settings.

Place Level

Select the Place Level that best describes the granularity level of the location represented by the place name. This can help your visitors know how exact you were intending to be with your pin placements. For example, if you want to put a pin in France but you don't care where, you would select "Country" for this option to let your visitors know that the exact location of the pin within France does not matter.


To associate one or more cemeteries to the current place, click the Add New button here. In the small window that opens, choose a cemetery from a list of those you already created in Admin/Cemeteries, then click on the Go button. To delete a cemetery already associated with the current place, click the small Delete icon next to that cemetery.

When a cemetery is associated with a place, information about the cemetery will show on the place page, and a list of burials associated with the place will be listed on the cemetery page.


Enter any notes about this place relevant to your associated data.

Make changes to place name in existing events

The checked box (only visible when editing an existing Place) indicates that all event instances where this Place is used will be updated when you save the changes.

NOTE: Subsequent GEDCOM imports using the "Replace all current data" option will NOT overwrite or remove existing Place data if the existing records have information in the Latitude, Longitude or Notes fields, or if any media are attached.

Installed by the Admin Places Geocode Mod

Place Editor Modifications by the Admin Places Geocode mod

  1. 'Do not Geocode' Placelevel value - A new option has been added to the Placelevel drop-down list. The internal value of -1 is represented in the drop-down list as 'Do not Geocode'. Places with this Placelevel value do not automatically open the Google map, since the expectation is that there is no meaningful physical location to match this Place.

  2. Latitude and Longitude Are Now Rounded Off - This mod installs a TNG system setting for the number decimal digits in geocodes. (The default is 5, but a value of 0 means "Do not round". When Geocodes are read from the database or from the map, they are rounded as specified by the new system setting.


Deleting Places

To delete one Place, use the Search tab to locate the Place, then click on the Delete icon next to that Place record. The row will change color and then vanish as the Place is deleted. To delete more than one Place at a time, check the box in the Select column next to each Place to be deleted, then click the "Delete Selected" button at the top of the page.


Merging Places

To review and merge place names that may be slightly different but refer to the same location, click on the "Merge" tab. You will decide whether two records are the same or not.

Find Merge Candidates

If your General Settings are configured so that Places are assigned to Trees, you will see a Tree selection box here. If that's the case, then select a tree. You cannot merge places from different trees, so only one tree can be selected. After that, enter the search criteria that will be common to all potential duplicates. For example, you might enter Salt Lake to find matches for Salt Lake and Salt Lake City.

You must enter something in the first field, but the second field is optional. You might decide to enter something there if you're trying to merge two places whose names are not very similar. For example, if you want to merge PA and Pennsylvania, the best approach would be to enter PA on one line and part of Pennsylvania on the other. After entering the criteria, click "Continue".

Select Places to Merge

Under this heading you will see a list of matches for your search criteria. If any of them refer to the same location, check the box labeled "Merge these (delete)" to the left for each one. Each selected row will turn red. Next, click the circle in the column labeled "into this (keep)" for the Place name that will replace all of the checked Places. That row will turn green. It doesn't matter if the Place Name to keep is also one of those checked under "Merge these (delete)". You will only be able to select one "keep" location per merge, but you may select as many matches as you want to merge into that one. When you're ready to merge, click the "Merge Places" button at the top or the bottom of the screen. All instances of the deleted Places (in individual and family records) will be replaced by the name you chose to keep. Note: Notes and Latitude/Longitude information will only be retained for the place you are keeping.

Please also note that performance degrades as more items are selected to merge. In other words, merging two places goes much faster than merging 20 places.

To search again without merging, just enter a new value in the "Search for" box at the top of the screen and click "Continue" again.



The Geocode tool may be used to find and store latitude and longitude coordinates for Places that do not already have that information.


Depending on how many Places you have that need geocoding, this process may take a long time. Google also limits you to 2,500 places per day, so for those reasons, you may wish to limit the number of places you do at any one time. The default number is 100. If you find that the first 100 go quickly, you might try increasing that number for the next batch.


Check this box to start again from the beginning of the list of places. Otherwise, geocoding will resume from where the last batch ended.

If multiple results are found:

If a place name is ambiguous, Google may return more than one match. The recommended action in this case is to ignore all the returned matches (so that you can manually make the correct decision later), but you may also choose to let TNG accept the first given match.

Changes made by the Admin Places Geocode mod
  1. 'Do not Geocode' Placelevel value - A new option has been added to the Placelevel drop-down list. If the Placelevel is -1, the Geocode function will not try to geocode the place. (The mod also changes the Places Editor to enable 'Do Not Geocode' as a Placelevel option.

  2. Remembers current Tree - The form that kicks off the Geocode function now defaults to the Tree that was selected in the main Places screen. It also does not prompt the user for a tree if only one tree is available to the user.

  3. Results and Kickoff Form on the Same Web Page - The Geocoding results are now displayed on the same page as the kickoff form, which can thus more easily be resubmitted to process more places. On a full-sized display, they are side-by-side; on a mobile display, the kick-off form is below the results.

  4. Tweaks to the List of Geocoded Places

    1. If the TNG site has more than one Tree (and each tree has its own Places list), then the Treename is displayed at the top of the list.
    2. Some Google error messages are shortened a bit; for instance, "Could not be geocoded (Zero Matches)" becomes "(Zero Matches)".
  5. Filter on Kickoff Form: Ignore 'District' - Placenames that start with the word 'District' are usually geocoded incorrectly by Google, so an option on the Geocode kickoff form allows you to ignore the first-place part if it starts with "District". As a result, "District 10, Roane County, Utah" can be treated as "Roane County, Utah".

  6. Filter on Kickoff Form: Ignore Place-parts to the Left of the Placelevel - Portions of some Placenames don't contribute to the geocode computation. For example, if "Wiseville, Wise County, Iowa" is an old historic place that Google Maps doesn't know about, it can't be geocoded. So, if you set the Placelevel of "Wiseville, Wise County, Iowa" to "County/Shire", and enable this filter, then its geocodes will be based on "Wise County, Iowa".

    This action is consistent with the notion that Placelevels represent the precision of a Place's geocode coordinates rather than the specificity of the Placename.

    Note that this filter won't catch Places whose Placenames omit standard placeparts. For instances, if Google can't find "Bethel Cemetery, London, England", it won't help for you to specify the "City/Town" Placelevel for that Place, since the Placename omits the "County/Shire" and "State/Provice" place-parts. It also won't catch USA Places whose Placenames omit "USA". To find the Geocodes for "Bethel Cemetery, London, England", or "Old Ghosttown, High County, Utah", you'll have to revert to the standard technique of opening the Place Editor, and specifying "London, England" or "High County, Utah" in the Geocode Location field.

Installed by the Placename Format Mod


Place Level Utility at Admin >> Places >> Levels

This utility sets the place levels for USA places and for non-USA placenames that just consist of a country name. On a kickoff form, you can tell it

  1. Which tree to process (or all trees), and
  2. What to do:
    1. Calculate a Placelevel for all Places,
    2. Process only Only Places whose Placelevel is not defined (i.e. is zero or null), or
    3. Reset all Plavelevel values to zero

The USA place names must be formatted according to the Placename Formatting options, which control the way that Place Names express the country, the state, and the county. (See the Placename Formatting Help File) For instance, USA place names must end with the representation of USA specified in the options, and the state name for states with subordinate locales (e.g. a county or city) must be consistently either abbreviated or not, according to another option.

Among non-USA placenames, if there is no comma in the place name, it is identified as a country. But the Placelevels for all other non-USA place names is left undefined.

The program displays a list of the non-USA places that it could not process, and their current Placelevel.

Installed by the Placename Format Mod


Placename Formatting Options at Admin >> Places >> Place Options

These options control:

  1. The Placename Formatting process in the Gedcom Converter that re-formats USA Placenames in a Gedcom file. Reformatted place names are consistent in the way they express
    1. The country (e.g. possibly always "USA" rather than a mix of "USA", "United States", etc.),
    2. The state name or abbreviation, and
    3. The county - particularly the "county designator" such as "County" or "Parish").
  2. and the Place Level-assignment process for USA Placenames in the news- Place Level utility described above.
The Placename Formatting options also
  1. Specify substrings that identify burial places for use by the Admin>>Cemeteries and Admin>>Places,
  2. Specify substrings that identify certain funky census places (such as "Civil District 10, Barr County, Ohio) that are not really towns, and that don't contribute to geocoding,
  3. Specify other substrings that identify place-parts in placenames.
  4. Assign place levels to USA Place Names in the Place Level utility described above, and
Note that (at least for now), the Placename Formatting process only affect USA places