Person ID: I23421 |  Last Modified: 5 Feb 2025
Isaac Maddison
1590 - 1624 (Age 34)
London, England
Sherley Hundred, Charles City County, Virginia, USA
Mary Counsilor b. 1578, England
1. John Maddison b. 1620, Gloucestershire, England
Mary Counsilor
1578 - 1625 (Age 47)
Feb 1625
Jamestown, James County, Virginia, USA
Isaac Maddison b. 1590, London, England
1. John Maddison b. 1620, Gloucestershire, England
Maria Ambrose
1620 - 1680 (Age 60)
Buckinghamshire, England
Virginia, USA
John Maddison b. 1620, Gloucestershire, England
New Kent County, Virginia, USA
1. John Madison, Jr. b. 1640, St Stephen's Parish, King & Queen County, Virginia, USA
John Madison, Jr.
1640 - 1705 (Age 65)
St Stephen's Parish, King & Queen County, Virginia, USA
King & Queen County, Virginia, USA
John Maddison b. 1620, Gloucestershire, England
Maria Ambrose b. 1620, Buckinghamshire, England
New Kent County, Virginia, USA
Isabella Minor Todd b. 1663, Toddsbury, Gloucester County, Virginia, USA
Virginia, USA
1. John Madison, III b. Abt 1680, Virginia, USA
2. Elizabeth Madison b. Abt 1690, Virginia, USA
3. Catherine Madison b. 1693, Rappahannock County, Virginia, USA
4. Ambrose Madison b. 1693, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, USA
5. Thomas Madison b. 1698, Orange County, Virginia, USA
6. Eleanor Madison b. 1700, King & Queen County, Virginia, USA
The Person Profile displays a list of the profiled person's branches.
Depending on mod options, this mod can turn each branch name in that list into a hyperlink that pops up a list of all branch members.
This mod's options determine whether anonymous visitors and logged-in users are allowed to see the detailed branch information, and thus whether the branch are actually hyperlinked.
While this mod controls which information about branches can be seen by different classes of site visitors,
The separate Regroup Person-Hide Branches mod controls which branches are visible to those classes of visitors.
Also, the Show Branch Users mod adds branch-assigned users to the list of branch members in the popup box.
This mod's purpose is to treat the standard biological Parent-Child relationship as an unstated default.
The exact terms to be ignored (such as 'natural', 'birth', or 'biological') must be specified as mod options.
This mod changes the layout of Event dates and places,
combining them into one cell so that the date never wraps.
It also tries to move the event text (not the comment) onto that same line.
It's fairly subtle; see the mod's Wiki article for details.
The native Person Person profile places a plus sign just before children's names
to indicate whether the child has descendants,
and to serve as a hyperlink to a descendant report for that child.
This mod changes that descendant indicator to a down-arrow.
It also adds an up-arrow as an indicator that parents have ancestors.
The ancestor indicator is a hyperlink to a parents' ancestor chart.
The native Person Profile lists the names of all branches that the profiled person is in.
This mod hides branch names from some non-administrative users.
The exact set of branch names that are hidden from which users is determined by a mod option
See the mod options or the Wiki article for specifics.
The Regroup Person-Move Media mod simply moves the Media section of the Person Profile from below to above the Event Map. It has no mod options
The Regroup Person-Sources mod changes the Person Profile to show only the Source title for each Source Citation as the page loads.
It also adds buttons and single-letter hyperlinks that allow you to display the source and/or citation details,
and possibly to display a source image. It has no mod options.
See the Wiki article for details.
This mod suppresses ALL data about a person if that person is living or private,
and if the user does not have permission to see the person.
(The native Person Profile will hide the name or show just the initials, and will display links to living relatives.)
This mod changes the layout of the Person Profile in several ways,
with the intent of making it easier to read. For example,
It moves some the profiled person's events below the person's Parent and Family data,
Adds headings (e.g. Parents, Family or Families, Media, Event Map) above each block of data, and
Moves 'metadata' (e.g. the personID, date of last change, and links to the Group Sheet and Family Chart) into headings.
It makes numerous additional changes, some of which are controlled by mod options.
See the Wiki article for details.
Isaac Maddison (ID:I24705)(Age 34) b. 1590, London, England d. 1624, Sherley Hundred, Charles City County, Virginia, USA(Age 34)
Mary Counsilor (ID:I24706)(Age 47) b. 1578, England d. Feb 1625, Jamestown, James County, Virginia, USA(Age 47)
1. John Maddison (ID:I23421)
(current person)(Age < 63) b. 1620, Gloucestershire, England d. Bef 16 Apr 1683, King & Queen County, Virginia, USA(Age < 63)
. John Madison, Jr. (ID:I23419)(Age 65) b. 1640, St Stephen's Parish, King & Queen County, Virginia, USA d. 1705, King & Queen County, Virginia, USA(Age 65)
5 Generation Single-Line Madison Descendancy I don't agree with the 9th generation. The 9th generation (John Madison & Isabel(la) Minor Todd) are my ancestors. The line goes through President James Madison's brother William.c From a DAR-application-like form that is stored in the Alabama State Archives
Page: Alabama Department of Archives and History; Montgomery, AL; Alabama Surname Files; Box or Film Number: M85.0993
5 Generation Single-Line Madison Descendancy I don't agree with the 9th generation. The 9th generation (John Madison & Isabel(la) Minor Todd) are my ancestors. The line goes through President James Madison's brother William.c From a DAR-application-like form that is stored in the Alabama State Archives
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This help message window can be dragged out of the way and left on the screen as long as you need it.
This help message window can be dragged out of the way and left on the screen as long as you need it.