Person ID: I24239 |  Last Modified: 5 Feb 2025
Anna Maria Strohecker
1738 - Bef 1782 (< Age 43)
Wimsheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Bef 1782
Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Johann Adam Wuertemberger, I b. Abt 1730, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Pennsylvania, USA
1. John Jacob Wuertemberger b. 28 Mar 1757, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
2. John 'Adam' Wuertemberger, II b. 22 Feb 1760, Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
3. John George Wuertemberger b. 4 May 1762, Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
4. Anna Maria Wuertemberger b. 20 Nov 1764, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
5. Mary Rosina Wuertemberger b. 1766, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
John Jacob Wuertemberger
1757 - 1829 (Age 72)
28 Mar 1757
Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
27 Apr 1829
New Middletown, Mahoning County, Ohio, USA
Johann Adam Wuertemberger, I b. Abt 1730, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Anna Maria Strohecker b. 1738, Wimsheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Pennsylvania, USA
Catherine Engel b. 1761, Pennsylvania, USA
10 Dec 1780
Cumru Twp, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
John 'Adam' Wuertemberger, II
1760 - 1825 (Age 65)
22 Feb 1760
Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Jul 1825
Washington County, Tennessee, USA
Johann Adam Wuertemberger, I b. Abt 1730, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Anna Maria Strohecker b. 1738, Wimsheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Pennsylvania, USA
Maria Elizabeth Ferntzeler b. 4 Dec 1768, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
4 Feb 1783
Cumru Twp, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
1. William Wuertemberger b. 8 Apr 1785, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
2. John 'Adam' Wattenbarger, III b. 20 Jun 1787, Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
3. Anna Maria Wuertemberger b. 1 Jul 1789, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
4. Jacob Wattenbarger, Sr b. 1790, Rockingham County, Virginia, USA
5. Peter Wattenbarger b. 1797, Virginia, USA
6. Solomon Wattenbarger b. Abt 1800, Washington County, Tennessee, USA
7. Elizabeth (Betsy) Wattenbarger b. Abt 1807, Washington County, Tennessee, USA
8. Sarah Wattenbarger b. 29 Oct 1809, Washington County, Tennessee, USA
9. Frederick Theodore Wattenbarger b. 10 Jun 1810, Leesburg, Washington County, Tennessee, USA
10. George Wattenbarger b. Abt 1813, Washington County, Tennessee, USA
11. Samuel Wattenbarger b. Abt 1815, Washington County, Tennessee, USA
John George Wuertemberger
1762 - 1843 (Age 80)
4 May 1762
Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
18 Jan 1843
Plain Twp, Stark County, Ohio, USA
Johann Adam Wuertemberger, I b. Abt 1730, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Anna Maria Strohecker b. 1738, Wimsheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Pennsylvania, USA
Mary Elizabeth Harter b. 25 Aug 1767
1. John George Wertenberger b. 13 May 1799, Reamstown, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA
2. Christine Wertenberger b. 4 Jun 1805, Centre County, Pennsylvania, USA
Anna Maria Wuertemberger
1764 - 1765 (0 years)
20 Nov 1764
Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Mar 1765
Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Johann Adam Wuertemberger, I b. Abt 1730, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Anna Maria Strohecker b. 1738, Wimsheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Pennsylvania, USA
Mary Rosina Wuertemberger
1766 -
Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Johann Adam Wuertemberger, I b. Abt 1730, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Anna Maria Strohecker b. 1738, Wimsheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Pennsylvania, USA
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He was born as Johann Adam Württemberger (with an umlaut), but I use the anglicized spelling becuase it is consistent with other named used in America. His birth date is in dispute. Several Johann Adam Württembergers were born in Württember in the mid-1700, and his birth dates in various online sources reflect that variety. The most common date is 1737, but that date is inconsistent with several life events, so I've chosen the compromise date of "about 1730"
At least from the time he arrived in America, records, he used his middle name "Adam", and all American records (except his son's birth record in a German Lutheran Church) identify him as "Adam Wirtemberger" (or with a surname that could be just a misspelling
arrived in Philadelphia in 1751 on the ship "The Neptune", which embarked from Rotterdam, but he began his journey in Ilbesheim, a town in the Rhemish Palatanate. The Palatinate was a vassal state of the Holy Roman Empire, and is now part of the German state Rhineland-Palatinate" target="_blank">,+Germany'>Rhineland-Palatinate. He married Anna Maria Strohecker (also from Wuerttember) 1756, likely in Reading, Pennsylvania, because he owned a home near the center of town in 1758. (See the attached map.)
His family was (at some point) from the Duchy of Württemberg, also part of the Holy Roman Empire. It was adjacent to the Palatinate, but is now part of the German stateürttemberg' >Baden-Württemberg, whose capital is Stuttgart. Baden-Württemberg is the most southwesterly German state, bordering Switzerland and France (Alsace).
I don't know whether Adam was born in Württemberg or the Palatinate, but I'm saying the former because we know that his family was from there. In any case, he was part of the mass immigration from southwest Germany in the mid-1700s that was driven by the devastation caused by War of Austrian Succession and the Seven Year's War. These immigrants are collectively known as German" target="_blank">'>German Palatines, though the Palatinate was only one of several historical districts affected.
FindAGrave Memorial 1233488720 says that he was buried in the Alsace Lutheran Church Cemetery in Reading, but I don't know of any primary souirces for that, and it seems unlikey. In the 1750s and perhaps into the 1770's, he lived in the center of town. Tax lists in 1779, 1881, and 1882Unknown burial. Interesting bio with details of immigration, wife, children, parents, grandparents.
. John Jacob Wuertemberger (ID:I24301)(Age 72) b. 28 Mar 1757, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA d. 27 Apr 1829, New Middletown, Mahoning County, Ohio, USA(Age 72)
. John 'Adam' Wuertemberger, II (ID:I24231)(Age 65) b. 22 Feb 1760, Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA d. Jul 1825, Washington County, Tennessee, USA(Age 65)
. John George Wuertemberger (ID:I24302)(Age 80) b. 4 May 1762, Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA d. 18 Jan 1843, Plain Twp, Stark County, Ohio, USA(Age 80)
. Anna Maria Wuertemberger (ID:I24303)(Age <1) b. 20 Nov 1764, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA d. Mar 1765, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA(Age <1)
Pennsylvania, U.S., Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801 Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762-1794; Microfilm Roll: 316
Page: Full web page describing the arrival of The Neptune and its passengers.
Text: Ship Neptune
Rotterdam Netherlands and Cowes England to Philadelphia, PA
Sep 24, 1751
[List 172 C] At the Court House at Philadelphia, Tuesday the 24th September 1751. Present: William Peters, Esqr. The foreigners whose Names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Neptune, John Mason, Commander, from Rotterdam & last from Cowes,...
Johann Adam Wirdeberger
Text: Birth: 1735 Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Death: 1782 (aged 46–47) Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Burial: Alsace Lutheran Church Cemeteryl Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA
Spouse: Anna Maria Strohecker Wuertemberger 1738-1782
Children: John Jacob Whittenberger 1757-1829
Parents: John Jakob Wuertembrger 1716-1743 & Anna Maria Fausel 1695-1756 of Llbesheeim, Germany.
Grandparents: Johann Adam Wuertemberger & Maria Catherina Hainer of Marytach; Jagst Kreis Wyh.
Emigrated on the ship NEPTUNE as a passenger from Llbesheim, Rhenish Palatinate and the Saarland to Philadelphia, Pa. ...
Occupation: Stocking Weaver.
He married Anna Strohecker in 1756 in Reading, Berks Co. Pa. They had 5 children:John Jacob 1757-1829, John Adam 1760-1825, John George 1762-1843, Anna Marie 1764, and Mary Rosina 1766.
(Also discusses for the mass migration from the Palatinate to America)
Page: Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762-1794; Microfilm Roll: 316
Pennsylvania, U.S., Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801 Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762-1794; Microfilm Roll: 316
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