
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands  Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands


Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Primary Birth events in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 Arents, Claertje15951645(here)I31431
2 Ariens, Annetje29 Aug 16451717Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, USAI21975
3 Cool, Barent Jacobsen10 May 16101676Kingston, Ulster County, New York, USAI25727
4 Florisz, Sijmon15981634(here)I31428
5 Schempoes, Marretje Symons1 Oct 16321 Jan 1672Kingston, Ulster County, New York, USAI25719

Primary Death events in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

   Name  Death BirthPerson ID
1 Arents, Claertje16451595(here)I31431
2 Florisz, Sijmon16341598(here)I31428

Baptism events in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

   Name  Baptism BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Schempoes, Marretje Symons12 Oct 16321 Oct 1632(here)1 Jan 1672Kingston, Ulster County, New York, USAI25719

Primary Marriage events in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

   Family  Marriage Family ID
1 Jacob Luurszen / Styntje Dourves28 Aug 1638F20774
2 Sijmon Florisz / Claertje Arents25 Dec 1616F27160
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