
Crewkerne, Somerset, England  Crewkerne, Somerset, England


Crewkerne, Somerset, England
St Bartholomew Churchyard, Crewkerne, Somerset, England

Cemeteries within Crewkerne, Somerset, England

  Cemetery Name Cemetery Location Associated Burial Place
1.St Bartholomew ChurchyardSomerset, EnglandSt Bartholomew Churchyard

Primary Birth events within Crewkerne, Somerset, England

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 Hull, Dorothy1632(here)1691Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire, USAI25738
2 Hull, ElizabethAbt 1628(here)30 Nov 1706Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire, USAI25736
3 Hull, George1590(here)1659Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USAI32457
4 Hull, GriseldaAbt 1630(here)1689Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire, USAI25737
5 Hull, Rev Joseph30 Mar 1593(here)19 Nov 1665Appledore Island, Isles of Shoals, York County, Maine, USAI21955
6 Hull, Robert1584(here)1654(here)I27187
7 Hull, Temperance20 Mar 1625/26(here)Abt 1697Oyster River, Strafford County, New Hampshire, USAI25735
8 Hull, Thomas1547(here)29 Dec 1636(here)I21954
9 Hull, Tristram1624(here)22 Feb 1667Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USAI25734
10 Pysing, Joane1551(here)30 Nov 1629(here)I21953

Primary Death events within Crewkerne, Somerset, England

   Name  Death BirthPerson ID
1 Hull, Robert1654(here)1584(here)I27187
2 Hull, Thomas29 Dec 1636(here)1547(here)I21954
3 Hull], ?? [w of Joseph1632(here)1598Brixton, Devon, _I21956
4 Pysing, Joane30 Nov 1629(here)1551(here)I21953

Primary Burial events within Crewkerne, Somerset, England

   Name  Burial BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Hull, Thomas St Bartholomew Churchyard1547(here)29 Dec 1636(here)I21954
2 Hull], ?? [w of Joseph St Bartholomew Churchyard1598Brixton, Devon, _1632(here)I21956
3 Pysing, Joane St Bartholomew Churchyard1551(here)30 Nov 1629(here)I21953

Primary Marriage events within Crewkerne, Somerset, England

   Family  Marriage Family ID
1 George Hull / Thamzen Mitchell27 Aug 1614(here)F27661
2 Thomas Hull / Joane Pysing11 Jan 1572(here)F20840
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