Leander Travis (L.T.) Hutcheson, Sr

Ancestor Leander Travis (L.T.) Hutcheson, Sr

Male 1854 - 1934  (79 years)

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                                     ┌──Charles Hutcheson   (Virginia - Amelia Co, VA)
                             ┌──Charles Hutcheson, II   (Amelia Co, VA -
                             │       Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
                             │       └──Sarah Estes   (Henry Co, VA - Franklin Co, VA)
                     ┌──John Hutcheson   (Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN; - )
                     │       │                                  
                     │       │                               ┌──Thomas Skillman   (Suffolk,
                     │       │                               │      England - Newtown,
                     │       │                               │      Queens, NY)
                     │       │                       ┌──Thomas Skillman, Jr   (Newtown,
                     │       │                       │      Queens, NY - Hellsgate Neck,
                     │       │                       │      Newtown, Queens, NY)
                     │       │                       │       └──Sarah Petit   (Newtown,
                     │       │                       │              Queens, NY; - )
                     │       │                       │          
                     │       │               ┌──Jan (John) Skillman   (Brooklyn, Kings, NY -
                     │       │               │       Rocky Hill, Somerset, NJ)
                     │       │               │       │          
                     │       │               │       │       ┌──Adrian Aten   (Netherlands -
                     │       │               │       │       │       Flatbush, Kings, NY)
                     │       │               │       └──Annetje Aten   (Flatbush, Kings, NY -
                     │       │               │               Long Island, NY)
                     │       │               │               └──Elizabeth (Lysbet) Thomas   
                     │       │               │                  (England - )
                     │       │               │                  
                     │       │       ┌──Christopher Skillman   (Princeton, Mercer, NJ; - )
                     │       │       │       │                                  
                     │       │       │       │                               ┌──Thomas Hull   
                     │       │       │       │                               │  (Crewkerne,
                     │       │       │       │                               │      Somerset,
                     │       │       │       │                               │      England; - )
                     │       │       │       │                       ┌──Joseph Hull   ( - A
                     │       │       │       │                       │      ppledore Island,
                     │       │       │       │                       │      Isles of Shoals,
                     │       │       │       │                       │      York, ME)
                     │       │       │       │                       │       └──Joane Pysing   
                     │       │       │       │                       │          (Crewkerne,
                     │       │       │       │                       │              Somerset,
                     │       │       │       │                       │              England; - )
                     │       │       │       │                       │          
                     │       │       │       │               ┌──Benjamin Hull, Sr   (Barnst
                     │       │       │       │               │      able, Barnstable, MA -
                     │       │       │       │               │      Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ)
                     │       │       │       │               │       └──Agnes Hunt   (Somer
                     │       │       │       │               │              set, England - York
                     │       │       │       │               │              Co, ME)
                     │       │       │       │               │          
                     │       │       │       │       ┌──Benjamin Hull, Jr   (Piscataway,
                     │       │       │       │       │      Middlesex, NJ; - )
                     │       │       │       │       │       │          
                     │       │       │       │       │       │       ┌──Richard York   ( -
                     │       │       │       │       │       │       │      New England)
                     │       │       │       │       │       └──Rachel York   (Dover, Straf
                     │       │       │       │       │              ford, NH - Piscataway,
                     │       │       │       │       │              Middlesex, NJ)
                     │       │       │       │       │          
                     │       │       │       └──Anna Hull   ( - Somerset Co, NJ)
                     │       │       │               │                          
                     │       │       │               │                       ┌──Robert Drake   
                     │       │       │               │                       │  (Essex, England -
                     │       │       │               │                       │       Hampton,
                     │       │       │               │                       │      Rocking
                     │       │       │               │                       │      ham, NH)
                     │       │       │               │               ┌──Francis Drake   (Co
                     │       │       │               │               │      lchester, Essex,
                     │       │       │               │               │      England -
                     │       │       │               │               │      Piscataway,
                     │       │       │               │               │      Middlesex, NJ)
                     │       │       │               │               │       └──Jane Gawton   
                     │       │       │               │               │          (England - New
                     │       │       │               │               │              Hampshire)
                     │       │       │               │               │          
                     │       │       │               │       ┌──John Drake   (Portsmouth,
                     │       │       │               │       │      Rockingham, NH - Piscataway,
                     │       │       │               │       │       Middlesex, NJ)
                     │       │       │               │       │       └──Mary Ann Walker   (
                     │       │       │               │       │              Hampton, Rockingham,
                     │       │       │               │       │               NH - Piscataway,
                     │       │       │               │       │              Middlesex, NJ)
                     │       │       │               │       │          
                     │       │       │               └──Sarah Drake   (Piscataway,
                     │       │       │                      Middlesex, NJ; - )
                     │       │       │                       │                  
                     │       │       │                       │               ┌──George Trotter   
                     │       │       │                       │               │  (Durham, England
                     │       │       │                       │               │      - Newburypor
                     │       │       │                       │               │      t, Es
                     │       │       │                       │               │      sex, MA)
                     │       │       │                       │       ┌──William Trotter   (
                     │       │       │                       │       │      Auckland Saint
                     │       │       │                       │       │      Andrew, Durham,
                     │       │       │                       │       │      England -
                     │       │       │                       │       │      Piscataway,
                     │       │       │                       │       │      Middlesex, NJ)
                     │       │       │                       │       │       └──Gertrude Wren   
                     │       │       │                       │       │          (Bishop Auckland,
                     │       │       │                       │       │               Durham, Eng
                     │       │       │                       │       │              land - Newbu
                     │       │       │                       │       │              ryport, Es
                     │       │       │                       │       │              sex, MA)
                     │       │       │                       │       │          
                     │       │       │                       └──Rebecca Trotter   (Newbury,
                     │       │       │                              Essex, MA - New Jersey)
                     │       │       │                               │          
                     │       │       │                               │       ┌──John Gibbs   
                     │       │       │                               │       │  (Bath Abbey,
                     │       │       │                               │       │      Somerset,
                     │       │       │                               │       │      England -
                     │       │       │                               │       │      Newbury, Es
                     │       │       │                               │       │      sex, MA)
                     │       │       │                               └──Cutbury Catharine Gibbs   
                     │       │       │                                  (Newbury, Essex, MA -
                     │       │       │                                       New Jersey)
                     │       │       │                                       └──Joan Scott   
                     │       │       │                                          (Long Sutton,
                     │       │       │                                              Somerset,
                     │       │       │                                              England -
                     │       │       │                                              Newburyport,
                     │       │       │                                              Essex, MA)
                     │       │       │                                          
                     │       └──Rebecca Skillman   (Alexandria, Alexandria, VA -
                     │               Bledsoe Co, TN)
                     │               │                          
                     │               │                       ┌──Edward Fitzrandolph   (Sutt
                     │               │                       │      on-in-Ashfield,
                     │               │                       │      Nottinghamshire, England -
                     │               │                       │      Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ)
                     │               │               ┌──Benjamin Fitzrandolph   (Barnstable,
                     │               │               │       Barnstable, MA -
                     │               │               │       Stony Brook, Mercer, NJ)
                     │               │               │       │          
                     │               │               │       │       ┌──Thomas Blossom   (C
                     │               │               │       │       │      ambridge,
                     │               │               │       │       │      Cambridgeshire,
                     │               │               │       │       │      England - Plymouth,
                     │               │               │       │       │      Plymouth, MA)
                     │               │               │       └──Elizabeth Blossom   (Leiden
                     │               │               │              , Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
                     │               │               │              - Piscataway,
                     │               │               │              Middlesex, NJ)
                     │               │               │               └──Ann Heldsen   (Engl
                     │               │               │                      and - New England)
                     │               │               │                  
                     │               │       ┌──Nathaniel Fitzrandolph   (Stony Brook,
                     │               │       │      Mercer, NJ - Princeton, Mercer, NJ)
                     │               │       │       │                          
                     │               │       │       │                       ┌──William Dennis   
                     │               │       │       │                       │  (England -
                     │               │       │       │                       │      Scituate,
                     │               │       │       │                       │      Plymo
                     │               │       │       │                       │      uth, MA)
                     │               │       │       │               ┌──Robert Dennis   (En
                     │               │       │       │               │      gland - Woodbridge,
                     │               │       │       │               │      Middlesex, NJ)
                     │               │       │       │               │       └──Jane Scarlet   
                     │               │       │       │               │          (England -
                     │               │       │       │               │              Scituate,
                     │               │       │       │               │              Plymo
                     │               │       │       │               │              uth, MA)
                     │               │       │       │               │          
                     │               │       │       │       ┌──John Dennis   (Woodbridge,
                     │               │       │       │       │      Middlesex, NJ; - )
                     │               │       │       │       │       └──Mary Island   (Rhod
                     │               │       │       │       │              e Island - )
                     │               │       │       │       │          
                     │               │       │       └──Sarah Dennis   (Woodbridge,
                     │               │       │              Middlesex, NJ -
                     │               │       │               Princeton, Mercer, NJ)
                     │               │       │               │          
                     │               │       │               │       ┌──Thomas Bloomfield   
                     │               │       │               │       │  (Woodbridge, Suffolk,
                     │               │       │               │       │      England -
                     │               │       │               │       │      Woodbridge,
                     │               │       │               │       │      Middlesex, NJ)
                     │               │       │               └──Sara Bloomfield   (Newbury,
                     │               │       │                      Essex, MA - Woodbridge,
                     │               │       │                      Middlesex, NJ)
                     │               │       │                       └──Mary Withers   (Ess
                     │               │       │                              ex, England -
                     │               │       │                              Woodbridge,
                     │               │       │                              Middlesex, NJ)
                     │               │       │                          
                     │               └──Ruth Fitzrandolph   (Princeton, Mercer, NJ; - )
                     │                       │                          
                     │                       │                       ┌──Living   
                     │                       │               ┌──Henri Marchand   (Caen, Cal
                     │                       │               │      vados, Basse-Normandie,
                     │                       │               │      France - Atlantic Ocean)
                     │                       │               │       └──Living   
                     │                       │               │          
                     │                       │       ┌──Henry Mershon   (Caen, Calvados,
                     │                       │       │      Basse-Normandie, France -
                     │                       │       │       Lawrenceville, Mercer, NJ)
                     │                       └──Rebekah Mershon   (Stony Brook, Mercer, NJ -
                     │                               Princeton, Mercer, NJ)
                     │                               └──Ann Houghton   (Long Island City,
                     │                                      Queens, NY - Princeton, Mercer, NJ)
             ┌──Flavius Josephus (Joe) Hutcheson   (Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN; - )
At these printer settings, there is no room for generation XXX 11:
At these printer settings, there is no room for generation XXX 11: John Billingsley   (Astley, Shropshire, England - 19 OCT 1655(bur.))
             │       │                                                       ┌──Francis Billingsley   
             │       │                                                       │  (Shropshire,
             │       │                                                       │      England -
             │       │                                                       │      Calvert
             │       │                                                       │       Co, MD)
At these printer settings, there is no room for generation XXX 11: Agatha Cooper   (Shropshire, England - Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands)
At these printer settings, there is no room for generation XXX 11:
             │       │                                               ┌──John Billingsley   
             │       │                                               │  (Rotterdam, Zuid-
             │       │                                               │      Holland, Netherland
             │       │                                               │      s - at sea)
             │       │                                               │       └──Ann Frances Hale   
             │       │                                               │          (Reusel-de
             │       │                                               │              Mierden, Noo
             │       │                                               │              rd-Brabant,
             │       │                                               │              Netherlands -
             │       │                                               │               Calvert
             │       │                                               │               Co, MD)
             │       │                                               │          
             │       │                                       ┌──William Billingsley   (Calv
             │       │                                       │      ert Co, MD; - )
At these printer settings, there is no room for generation XXX 11:
At these printer settings, there is no room for generation XXX 11: John Billingsley   (Astley, Shropshire, England - 19 OCT 1655(bur.))
             │       │                                       │       │       ┌──William Billingsley   
             │       │                                       │       │       │  (Shropshire,
             │       │                                       │       │       │      England -
             │       │                                       │       │       │      Richmond,
             │       │                                       │       │       │      Wise, VA)
At these printer settings, there is no room for generation XXX 11: Agatha Cooper   (Shropshire, England - Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands)
At these printer settings, there is no room for generation XXX 11:
             │       │                                       │       └──Sarah Ann Billingsley   
             │       │                                       │          (Essex Co, VA - St
             │       │                                       │              Mary's Co, MD)
             │       │                                       │               └──Sarah Bowman   
             │       │                                       │                  (Essex Co, VA -
             │       │                                       │                      Richmond
             │       │                                       │                       Co, VA)
             │       │                                       │                  
             │       │                               ┌──William Billingsley, Jr.   (Calvert
             │       │                               │       Co, MD - St Mary's Co, MD)
             │       │                               │       └──Clearanna Bowles   (Calvert
             │       │                               │               Co, MD; - )
             │       │                               │          
             │       │                       ┌──James B Billingsley   (St Mary's Co, MD -
             │       │                       │       Guilford Co, NC)
             │       │                       │       └──Mary Emily Sumner   (Calvert Co, MD -
             │       │                       │               St Mary's Co, MD)
             │       │                       │          
             │       │               ┌──Samuel Billingsley   (St Mary's, St Mary's, MD -
             │       │               │       Bledsoe Co, TN)
             │       │               │       └──Elizabeth Crabtree   (St Johns Parish,
             │       │               │              Baltimore, MD - McMinn Co, TN)
             │       │               │          
             │       │       ┌──John Billingsley   (Onslow Co, NC - Bledsoe Co, TN)
             │       │       │       └──Mary Griffith   (Edgecombe Co, NC -
             │       │       │               Bledsoe Co, TN)
             │       │       │          
             │       └──Nancy Samantha Billingsley   (North Carolina -
             │               Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
             │               └──Martha Blackwood   (North Carolina - Bledsoe Co, TN)
Leander Travis (L.T.) Hutcheson, Sr (Pikeville, Bledsoe, TN - Doyle, White, TN)
             │                                       ┌──George Moyers   (Germany -
             │                                       │      Virginia)
             │                               ┌──Christopher Moyers, Sr   (Gross Sachsenhei
             │                               │      m, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany -
             │                               │       Germanna, Orange, VA)
             │                               │       └──Anna Barbara ??   (Gross Sachsenhei
             │                               │              m, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany -
             │                               │               Pennsylvania)
             │                               │          
             │                       ┌──Christopher Moyers   (Orange Co, VA -
             │                       │       White Pine, Jefferson, TN)
             │                       │       │          
             │                       │       │       ┌──Johan Paul Vaught   (Germany -
             │                       │       │       │      Augusta Co, VA)
             │                       │       └──Mary Catherine Vogt   (Palatinate - )
             │                       │               └──Mary Catherine ??   (Palatinate - )
             │                       │                  
             │               ┌──James Moyers   (Culpeper Co, VA -
             │               │       White Pine, Jefferson, TN)
             │               │       └──Susannah ??   (Virginia -
             │               │               White Pine, Jefferson, TN)
             │               │          
             │       ┌──John Blackburn Moyers   (Jefferson Co, TN - Warren Co, TN)
             │       │       │                  
             │       │       │               ┌──Benjamin J Blackburn   (Ireland -
             │       │       │               │      Washington Co, TN)
             │       │       │       ┌──John B Blackburn   (Chester Co, PA -
             │       │       │       │       Dandridge, Jefferson, TN)
             │       │       │       │       └──Mary ??   (North Carolina -
             │       │       │       │               Frederick Co, VA)
             │       │       │       │          
             │       │       └──Mary (Polly) Blackburn   (Frederick Co, VA -
             │       │               White Pine, Jefferson, TN)
             │       │               │          
             │       │               │       ┌──Alexander Mathes   (Ireland - Bentonville,
             │       │               │       │      Warren, VA)
             │       │               └──Janet Mathews   (Warren Co, VA - Jefferson Co, TN)
             │       │                       └──Grizella ??   (Ireland - Bentonville,
             │       │                              Warren, VA)
             │       │                          
             └──Narcissa Ann Myers   (Warren Co, TN - Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
                     │               ┌──John Snoddy   (Scotland - Washington Co, VA)
                     │       ┌──Albert "Thomas" Snoddy, Esq   (Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
                     │       │      PA - Snoddyville, Jefferson, TN)
                     │       │       └──Agnes Glasgow   (Ireland - Leadvale,
                     │       │              Jefferson, TN)
                     │       │          
                     └──Mary Snoddy   (Edgecombe, Edgecombe, NC -
                             McMinnville, Warren, TN)
                             │       ┌──John Davis   (Virginia - Abingdon, Washington, VA)
                             └──Hannah Davis   (Allison Gap, Washington, VA -
                                     Jefferson City, Jefferson, TN)
                                     └──Mary Allison   (Virginia - )
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