Jesse Young Kuykendall

Jesse Young Kuykendall

Male 1760 - 1834  (74 years)

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                                     ┌──Jacob Luurszen (22 AUG 1616 - 29 APR 1655)
                             ┌──Luur Jacobsen van Kuykendall (29 MAY 1650 - 1720)
                             │       └──Styntje Dourves (22 JAN 1617 - 1682)
                     ┌──Mattheus (Matthew) Kuykendall (ABT 1690 - AFT 1754)
                     │       │          
                     │       │       ┌──Aert Pietersen Tack (26 JUL 1626 - AFT 1669)
                     │       └──Grietje Margarita Artze Tack (AUG 1663 - 1720)
                     │               └──Annetje Ariens (29 AUG 1645 - 1717)
             ┌──Petrus (Peter) Kuykendall (28 JAN 1719 - 1778)
             │       │                  
             │       │               ┌──Jurian Westphal (12 MAR 1621 - 1 OCT 1667)
             │       │       ┌──Johannes Jurian Westfall (28 JAN 1659 - 1725)
             │       │       │       │          
             │       │       │       │       ┌──Hans Jansen van Norstrand (EST 1600 - 1690)
             │       │       │       └──Marritje Hansen (1636 - 10 JAN 1670)
             │       │       │               └──Rymerig Volkert (EST 1600 - ABT 1642)
             │       │       │                  
             │       └──Jannetjen Westfall (MAR 1688 - 1754)
             │               │                  
             │               │               ┌──Barent Jacobsen Cool (10 MAY 1610 - 1676)
             │               │       ┌──Jacob Barentsen Kool (25 SEP 1639 - 15 JAN 1719)
             │               │       │       └──Marretje Leendertse Degraw (1620 - 1670)
             │               │       │          
             │               └──Maritje Jacobz Cool (7 MAR 1666 - 1728)
             │                       │          
             │                       │       ┌──Sijmon Florisz (1598 - 1634)
             │                       └──Marretje Symons Schempoes (1 OCT 1632 - 1 JAN 1672)
             │                               └──Claertje Arents (1595 - 1645)
Jesse Young Kuykendall (1760 - 1834)
             └──Mary Hampton (1725 - ABT 1760)
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