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Descendants of Charles Hutcheson: Robin's Roots
Charles Hutcheson

Descendants of Charles Hutcheson

Male Abt 1711 - 1768  (57 years)

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Charles Hutcheson (ABT 1711 Virginia - 1768 Amelia Co, VA)
Sarah Estes (1736 Henry Co, VA - 1793 Franklin Co, VA)
      ├─ Paul Hutcheson(1750 Amelia Co, VA -)
      ├─ Susannah Hutcheson(1752 Amelia Co, VA - 1798 Burke Co, NC)
      │ + Mr. Bradshaw (ABT 1752 -)
      ├─ Phillip Hutcheson(1753 Amelia Co, VA -)
      ├─ Prudence Hutcheson(ABT 1754 Amelia Co, VA -)
      ├─ Ambrose Hutcheson(1755 Amelia Co, VA -)
      ├─ Richard Hutcheson(ABT 1757 Amelia Co, VA -)
      ├─ William Hutcheson(10 JUN 1760 Amelia Co, VA -)
      │ + Mary Stewart
      ├─ Charles Hutcheson, II(AUG 1763 Amelia Co, VA - 11 AUG 1829 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
      │ Rebecca Skillman (11 OCT 1767 Alexandria, Alexandria, VA - 15 OCT 1848 Bledsoe Co, TN)
      │       ├─ Nancy Hutcheson(2 MAY 1785 Grainger Co, TN - 1872)
      │       ├─ Louis Hutcheson(1788 Grainger Co, TN - 1866 Coffee Co, AL)
      │       ├─ William Hutcheson(20 FEB 1790 Grainger Co, TN - 8 JUN 1839 Rhea Co, TN)
      │       │ Margaret (Peggy) Sigler (8 SEP 1793 North Carolina - 6 AUG 1878 Johnson Station, Tarrant, TX)
      │       │       ├─ Philip Sigler Hutcheson(ABT 1812 Tennessee - 3 AUG 1890)
      │       │       │ + Mary Sarah Brown (14 FEB 1813 Tennessee - 11 JUN 1891)
      │       │       ├─ Fannie Hutcheson(1835 - 1913)
      │       │       └─ William Franklin Hutcheson(24 DEC 1835 Meigs Co, TN - 18 APR 1918)
      │       │         + Sarah Flora Billingsley (15 NOV 1848 Bledsoe Co, TN - 21 APR 1923 Pikeville, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       ├─ Christopher Hutcheson(1795 - Limestone Co, AL)
      │       ├─ Hezekiah Hutcheson(7 JUL 1797 Grainger Co, TN - 30 AUG 1848 Pleasant Site, Franklin, AL)
      │       │ Priscilla Elizabeth Conwill (11 FEB 1801 Laurens Co, SC - 5 SEP 1857 Pleasant Site, Franklin, AL)
      │       │       ├─ Margaret Hutcheson
      │       │       ├─ Christopher Hutcheson
      │       │       ├─ Isaac Hutcheson
      │       │       ├─ Melinda Hutcheson
      │       │       ├─ Nancy Caroline Hutcheson
      │       │       ├─ Martha Jane Hutcheson
      │       │       ├─ Eleanor Elizabeth Hutcheson
      │       │       ├─ Lucinda Hutcheson(ABT 1828 Alabama -)
      │       │       │ + James Callen George (1825 Alabama -)
      │       │       └─ William Rufus Hutcheson(25 SEP 1832 Dallas Co, AL - 21 NOV 1911 Tishomingo Co, MS)
      │       │         + Easter Ann Bennett (29 JUN 1830 South Carolina - 11 SEP 1902 Tishomingo Co, MS)
      │       ├─ John Hutcheson(20 JAN 1800 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN - 7 MAR 1873 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │ Nancy Samantha Billingsley (7 MAR 1807 North Carolina - 7 JAN 1867 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │       ├─ James Hutcheson(1826 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN -)
      │       │       ├─ Flavius Josephus (Joe) Hutcheson(5 OCT 1829 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN - 29 APR 1909 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │       │ + Narcissa Ann Myers (10 FEB 1834 Warren Co, TN - 6 NOV 1896 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │       │ + Tennie Welch (23 MAY 1857 Bledsoe Co, TN - 8 DEC 1907 Bledsoe Co, TN)
      │       │       │ + Alice Elizabeth Merriman (27 JAN 1860 Bledsoe Co, TN - 31 JAN 1941 Pikeville, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │       ├─ Martha Ebenida Hutcheson(18 SEP 1832 Bledsoe Co, TN - 3 APR 1892 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │       │ + Levi 'Jasper' Lowry (27 APR 1826 Rhea Co, TN - 22 JAN 1908 Cold Spring, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │       ├─ Rebecca 'Mahala' Hutcheson(30 AUG 1835 Bledsoe Co, TN - 18 JUL 1885 Bledsoe Co, TN)
      │       │       │ + William Henry Greer (9 OCT 1821 Franklin Co, VA - 25 JUN 1908 Pikeville, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │       └─ Nancy Jane Hutcheson(24 DEC 1837 Bledsoe Co, TN - 4 MAR 1838 Bledsoe Co, TN)
      │       ├─ Mary Rebekah Hutcheson(28 NOV 1801 Grainger Co, TN - 14 SEP 1849 Washington Co, AR)
      │       │ + Robert Vernon (12 AUG 1800 Washington Co, AR - 8 NOV 1869 Washington Co, AR)
      │       ├─ Sarah Hutcheson(9 JUL 1803 Grainger Co, TN - 24 AUG 1876 Pikeville, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │ James Roberson (11 NOV 1784 Clinch River, Anderson, TN - 31 JUL 1852 Pikeville, Bledsoe, TN)
      │       │       └─ Hannah Roberson(Tennessee - 28 JUL 1862 Sweet Lips, Chester, TN)
      │       ├─ Alfred (Alphord) Leander Hutcheson(22 MAR 1807 Grainger Co, TN - 30 JAN 1890 Tarrant Co, TX)
      │       │ Matilda Siglar (23 FEB 1811 Grainger Co, TN - 27 JAN 1886 Arlington, Tarrant, TX)
      │       │       ├─ William Newton Hutcheson(1828 Bledsoe Co, TN - 1873 Sale Creek, Hamilton, TN)
      │       │       ├─ Arvazenia Frances Hutcheson(1 AUG 1834 Rhea Co, TN - 23 JUN 1915 Griffin, Wilkinson, GA)
      │       │       │ + Issac Gray Woolsey (14 OCT 1828 Kentucky - 11 SEP 1902 Woolsey, Fayette, GA)
      │       │       ├─ Martha Jane Hutcheson(13 AUG 1834 Tennessee - 25 MAY 1890 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │       │ + Pleasant Edward Doughty (3 FEB 1821 Tennessee - 7 JAN 1885 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │       ├─ Darius Carrico Hutcheson(16 OCT 1836 Rhea Co, TN - 24 SEP 1925 Merkel, Taylor, TX)
      │       │       │ + Mary Jane Dean (11 MAR 1844 Cleveland, Bradley, TN - 22 MAR 1925 Merkel, Taylor, TX)
      │       │       ├─ Lavena Hutcheson(1839 Tennessee -)
      │       │       │ + Samuel G Thompson (EST 1839 -)
      │       │       ├─ Charles Cyrus Hutcheson(1841 Rhea Co, TN -)
      │       │       │ + Vilena C Norman (ABT 1849 Tennessee -)
      │       │       ├─ Rebecca Tennessee Hutcheson(13 JAN 1844 Rhea Co, TN - 14 NOV 1920 Childress, Childress, TX)
      │       │       │ + Chris H Mathewson (AUG 1833 Virginia -)
      │       │       ├─ George Napolean Hutcheson(3 OCT 1845 Rhea Co, TN - 31 MAR 1923 Arlington, Tarrant, TX)
      │       │       │ + Consada Bell Shirley (1855 Tennessee - 18 OCT 1917 Arlington, Tarrant, TX)
      │       │       ├─ Samantha M Hutcheson(3 FEB 1848 Rhea Co, TN - 12 APR 1871 Fort Smith, Sebastian, AR)
      │       │       │ + Marion Monroe Ownby (18 MAR 1848 Tunnel Hill, Whitfield, GA - 1 APR 1942 Madge, Harmon, OK)
      │       │       ├─ Alfred Leander Hutcheson, Jr.(3 FEB 1848 Rhea Co, TN - 18 NOV 1882 Arlington, Tarrant, TX)
      │       │       └─ Ada Margaret Hutcheson(1852 Rhea Co, TN - 1852 Issue, Charles, MD)
      │       ├─ Charles Hutcheson, III(11 APR 1807 Grainger or Sequatchie Co, TN - 9 SEP 1842 Bledsoe Co, TN)
      │       │ Sarah Worthington (5 JAN 1809 Bledsoe Co, TN - 26 SEP 1895 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │       ├─ Mary Angeline Hutcheson(1 MAR 1829 Tennessee - 27 AUG 1931 Fayetteville, Washington, AR)
      │       │       │ + Robert Emmett Schoolfield (ABT 1827 Tennessee - 21 OCT 1869)
      │       │       ├─ William Lafayette Hutcheson(16 OCT 1831 Warren Co, TN - 18 JUL 1925 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │       │ + Ruth G Doughty (27 JAN 1837 Cookeville, Putnam, TN - 31 DEC 1907 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │       ├─ Samuel W Hutcheson(17 JAN 1834 Bledsoe Co, TN - 1 JUN 1886 Washington)
      │       │       │ + Susan E Roberts (1831 - 31 JAN 1875)
      │       │       ├─ Charles Newton Hutcheson(18 JAN 1836 Dayton, Rhea, TN - 22 SEP 1908 Dayton, Rhea, TN)
      │       │       │ + Harriet Watts McDonald (13 APR 1839 Hamilton Co, TN - 12 MAY 1876 Hamilton Co, TN)
      │       │       │ + Adelia Lodemia Gamble (1 APR 1845 Rhea Co, TN - 26 AUG 1883 Hamilton Co, TN)
      │       │       │ + Martha Marler (30 JUN 1862 Tennessee - 16 JUN 1939 Chattanooga, Hamilton, TN)
      │       │       ├─ James Caswell Hutcheson(9 JUN 1839 Meigs Co, TN - 19 FEB 1918 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │       │ + Harriet A Runyon (20 NOV 1840 Hamilton Co, TN - 4 DEC 1891 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │       │ + Mary Jane Peterson (26 JUL 1854 Texas - 29 JUN 1914 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │       └─ Alfred Leonidas Hutcheson(21 JAN 1842 Meigs Co, TN - 22 OCT 1930 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       │         + Louisa Annis Martin (30 NOV 1845 Meigs Co, TN - 1 NOV 1928 Springtown, Parker, TX)
      │       └─ Elizabeth (Betsy) Hutcheson(1808 Bledsoe Co, TN -)
      └─ John Hutcheson(ABT 1765 Amelia Co, VA -)
Number of people in this chart: 93 (including 37 spouses) in 4 generations.
Links to charts that show additional descendants: 12
Lines that wrap to another line: 0
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