Edward Fitzrandolph

Edward Fitzrandolph

Male 1607 - 1685  (77 years)

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Edward Fitzrandolph (5 JUL 1607 - 1684/85)
Elizabeth Blossom (2 JUN 1620 - 21 NOV 1713)
      ┌── Nathaniel FitzRandolph(10 DEC 1642 - 21 NOV 1713)
      │  Mary Holley (1643 - 12 JUL 1703)
      │  :     ┌── Nathaniel FitzRandolph(25 JUN 1666 - 18 MAR 1702/03)
      │  :     │  + Grace Hull (5 MAY 1672 - EST 1703)
      │  :     └── Issac FitzRandolph(ABT 7 DEC 1684 -)
      │  Jane Curtis (11 APR 1661 - DEC 1731)
      │        ┌── John FitzRandolph(1 FEB 1662 - 19 JUN 1727)
      │        │  + Martha Adams (4 JAN 1657/58 - 1702)
      │        └── Benjamin Fitzrandolph(1707 -)
      ┌── Mary FitzRandolph(6 OCT 1644 - BEF 1650)
      ┌── Hannah FitzRandolph(23 APR 1649 - 13 APR 1705)
      │  + Jasper Taylor (1640 - 5 AUG 1718)
      ┌── Mary Fitzrandolph(2 JUN 1650 - 4 JAN 1737/38)
      │  Samuel Hinckley, Jr (24 JUL 1642 - 2 JAN 1727)
      │        ┌── Joseph Hinckley(15 MAY 1672 - 4 JUL 1753)
      │        │  + Mary Gorham (18 SEP 1680 - 23 OCT 1748)
      │        ┌── Isaac Hinckley(20 AUG 1674 - 22 AUG 1762)
      │        ┌── Mary Hinckley(MAY 1677 - 15 JUN 1677)
      │        ┌── Mercy Hinckley(9 APR 1679 - 31 OCT 1747)
      │        │  + Joseph Cole (11 JUN 1677 - 12 MAR 1766)
      │        ┌── Samuel Hinckley, III(24 SEP 1684 - JAN 1760)
      │        │  + Mary Freeman (1684 -)
      │        ┌── Ebenezer Hinckley(2 AUG 1685 - 12 APR 1751)
      │        │  + Sarah Lewis (13 JAN 1692 - 21 MAR 1737)
      │        └── Thomas Hinckley(1 JAN 1689 - 1756)
      ┌── John FitzRandolph(7 OCT 1653 - unknown)
      │  + Sarah Bonham (16 FEB 1664 - 16 JAN 1738)
      ┌── Thomas FitzRandolph(16 AUG 1654 - 25 OCT 1745)
      │  + Elizabeth Manning (13 OCT 1661 - 1 MAR 1732)
      ┌── Joseph FitzRandolph(1 MAR 1655/56 - 10 JAN 1726)
      │  Joanna Conger (AUG 1670 - 26 JUN 1742)
      │        ┌── Hannah FitzRandolph(4 FEB 1689 - 25 JUN 1742)
      │        │  + Living
      │        ┌── Joseph Fitzrandolph(11 FEB 1690/91 - 1750)
      │        │  + Rebecca Drake (21 NOV 1697 - 1749)
      │        ┌── Mary FitzRandolph(3 AUG 1693 -)
      │        ┌── Bethia FitzRandolph(20 SEP 1695 - 2 SEP 1757)
      │        │  + John Clarkson (1690 - 3 NOV 1757)
      │        ┌── Lydia FitzRandolph(4 JAN 1697/98 - 1758)
      │        │  + John Shotwell (1704 - 1745)
      │        ┌── Moses FitzRandolph(9 APR 1700 -)
      │        │  + Rachel Hull (30 APR 1705 -)
      │        ┌── Jonathan FitzRandolph(15 JUN 1702 -)
      │        │  + Margaret Manning (23 DEC 1701 -)
      │        ┌── Susanna FitzRandolph(23 JUN 1704 -)
      │        └── Ruth FitzRandolph(11 JUN 1706 - 10 SEP 1776)
      │           + James Pyatt (1704 -)
      ┌── Hope FitzRandolph(2 APR 1661 - 15 FEB 1702)
      │  + Ezekiel Bloomfield (1 NOV 1653 - 15 FEB 1702)
      └── Benjamin Fitzrandolph(4 APR 1663 - 5 OCT 1746)
         Sarah Dennis (18 JUL 1673 - 22 NOV 1732)
               ┌── Sarah Fitzrandolph(14 APR 1691 - 28 APR 1691)
               ┌── Grace Fitzrandolph(25 JUL 1692 - 1705)
               ┌── Ruth Fitzrandolph(8 APR 1695 - 25 SEP 1780)
               │  + Edward Harrison (- 1716)
               │  + John Snowden (21 DEC 1684 - 22 MAR 1751)
               ┌── Hope Fitzrandolph(12 FEB 1696/97 - AUG 1741)
               │  + Henry Davis (23 FEB 1694/95 -)
               ┌── Benjamin Fitzrandolph, Jr(24 APR 1699 - JAN 1758)
               │  Elizabeth Pridemore (1703 -)
               │        └── Sarah Fitzrandolph(22 NOV 1728 -)
               ┌── Isaac Fitzrandolph(10 APR 1701 - 13 MAY 1750)
               │  + Rebecca Seabrook (8 JUN 1708 - 25 MAR 1744)
               ┌── Nathaniel Fitzrandolph(11 NOV 1703 - 1786)
               │  Rebekah Mershon (10 MAR 1711 - 1786)
               │        ┌── Eunice Fitzrandolph(10 NOV 1730 - 28 MAR 1759)
               │        ┌── Sarah Fitzrandolph(26 APR 1732 - 3 APR 1759)
               │        ┌── Ann Fitzrandolph(7 MAY 1734 - APR 1798)
               │        │  + Paul Fitzrandolph (1736 -)
               │        ┌── Ruth Fitzrandolph(4 JAN 1735 - 1781)
               │        │  Christopher Skillman (1732 - 1782)
               │        │        ┌── Isaac Skillman(24 JUL 1764 - 1819)
               │        │        │  + Lydia Lindsey (1779 - 6 JUL 1864)
               │        │        └── Rebecca Skillman(11 OCT 1767 - 15 OCT 1848)
               │        │           + Charles Hutcheson, II (AUG 1763 - 11 AUG 1829)
               │        ┌── Job Fitzrandolph(6 NOV 1737 - 11 APR 1760)
               │        ┌── Abigail Fitzrandolph(18 OCT 1739 - ABT 1767)
               │        ┌── Samuel Fitzrandolph(2 MAY 1741 - 25 FEB 1825)
               │        ┌── Rachel Fitzrandolph(31 JAN 1742/43 - 31 MAR 1829)
               │        ┌── Hannah Fitzrandolph(20 JAN 1744 - 7 OCT 1846)
               │        ┌── Hannah FitzRandolph(5 JAN 1746/47 - 11 JUN 1835)
               │        │  + William Stephen Pangburn, Sr (30 MAR 1744 - 1815)
               │        ┌── John Fitzrandolph(4 APR 1749 - BEF 8 FEB 1815)
               │        ┌── Sarah Fitzrandolph(19 JAN 1751 - 1 JUL 1812)
               │        ┌── Rebecca FitzRandloph(1752 - 1 JUL 1812)
               │        │  + James Perrine (26 MAY 1731 - 26 MAR 1811)
               │        ┌── Nathaniel Fitzradolph, Jr(24 MAY 1753 - 16 SEP 1757)
               │        └── Elizabeth Fitzrandolph(15 FEB 1757 - 6 SEP 1757)
               ┌── Elizabeth Fitzrandolph(31 DEC 1708 - 4 OCT 1785)
               │  + Ephriam Manning (29 DEC 1701 - 1745)
               └── Grace Fitzrandolph(31 DEC 1708 - 26 FEB 1786)
                  + Stephen Johnes (31 JUL 1700 - 16 JUN 1785)
Number of people in this chart: 94 (including 37 spouses) in 5 generations.
Links to charts that show additional descendants: 1
Lines that wrap to another line: 1
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