
Source S863: Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940

Source Information

  1. The people or families that this page links to use this source in one or more "citations"; i.e. one or more facts in the record is supported by this source.
  2. If you see the same name more than once in the list, then there are multiple people with that name in the database.
    (I'd like to add the person's birth & death dates to the list, but I'm not sure how hard that will be.
  3. Media items (which are generally document images) associated with Sources are always associated with a citation, not directly with the Source. For instance, there's no generic "1920 U.S. Census" media image. Rather, the media images associated with the 1920 U.S. Census are images of specific Census pages with information about specific people.
  4. You may select the "Media" link in the horizontal menu just above the information table to see links to all of the media items associated with this source. But following that route, there is no way to tell which citations (which records) are associated with an image.
  5. This list of records that this list is "linked to" does not reveal which records are associated with media items.
  6. To find a source citation media item from list of linked people or families, you must
    1. Follow a hyperlink above to a person or family,
    2. Then diplay Media items on that page,
    3. and - if this Source shows up as a media item, click on the appropriate thumbnail image or the thumbnail placeholder (which looks like a camera).
Also see help on Sources, Citations, and Media.
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