
Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands  Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands


Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Primary Birth events in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 Blossom, Elizabeth2 Jun 162021 Nov 1713Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USAI21969
2 Blossom, PeterAft 16275 Jul 1706Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USAI25799
3 Blossom, ThomasAbt 162322 Apr 1650Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USAI25797

Primary Death events in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

   Name  Death BirthPerson ID
1 Blossom, SonBef 16 Dec 1625Bef 1620 I25796

Baptism events in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

   Name  Baptism BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Loon, Janneken Gerritse van20 May 16291632   I30901

Residence events in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

   Name  Residence BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Blossom, Thomas16281580Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, EnglandBef 25 Mar 1633Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USAI21967
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