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Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA
Holder Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA
Stony Brook Quaker Meeting, Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA
Stony Brook Quaker Meeting House Burial Ground, Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA
Name  | Birth  | Death | Person ID |
1 |
Fitzradolph, Nathaniel Jr | 24 May 1753 | (here) | 16 Sep 1757 | (here) | I31419 |
2 |
Fitzrandolph, Abigail | 18 Oct 1739 | (here) | Abt 1767 | (here) | I31416 |
3 |
Fitzrandolph, Ann | 7 May 1734 | (here) | Apr 1798 | (here) | I31414 |
4 |
Fitzrandolph, Elizabeth | 15 Feb 1757 | (here) | 6 Sep 1757 | (here) | I31420 |
5 |
Fitzrandolph, Eunice | 10 Nov 1730 | (here) | 28 Mar 1759 | Yadkin River, Yadkin County, North Carolina, _ | I31413 |
6 |
Fitzrandolph, Grace | 31 Dec 1708 | (here) | 26 Feb 1786 | (here) | I31410 |
7 |
Fitzrandolph, Hannah | 20 Jan 1744 | (here) | 7 Oct 1846 | (here) | I31411 |
8 |
FitzRandolph, Hannah | 5 Jan 1746/47 | (here) | 11 Jun 1835 | Redoak, Brown County, Ohio, _ | I24838 |
9 |
Fitzrandolph, Job | 6 Nov 1737 | (here) | 11 Apr 1760 | (here) | I31415 |
10 |
Fitzrandolph, John | 4 Apr 1749 | (here) | Bef 8 Feb 1815 | Washington County, Pennsylvania, _ | I31412 |
11 |
Fitzrandolph, Rachel | 31 Jan 1742/43 | (here) | 31 Mar 1829 | (here) | I31417 |
12 |
Fitzrandolph, Ruth | 4 Jan 1735 | (here) | 1781 | (here) | I21964 |
13 |
Fitzrandolph, Samuel | 2 May 1741 | (here) | 25 Feb 1825 | (here) | I31422 |
14 |
Fitzrandolph, Sarah | 22 Nov 1728 | (here) | | | I32044 |
15 |
Fitzrandolph, Sarah | 19 Jan 1751 | (here) | 1 Jul 1812 | (here) | I31418 |
16 |
Mershon, Aaron | 1740 | (here) | 27 Aug 1776 | Brooklyn, New York, _ | I30454 |
17 |
Mershon, Andrew | 6 Aug 1706 | (here) | 5 Jul 1793 | Hopewell, _, _, _ | I25865 |
18 |
Skillman, Asiah Sarah | 10 May 1766 | (here) | 1830 | Jackson County, Alabama, _ | I30447 |
19 |
Skillman, Christopher | 1732 | (here) | 1782 | (here) | I21963 |
20 |
Van Zandt, Lucretia | 1763 | (here) | 31 Dec 1851 | Somerset County, _, _ | I25930 |
Name  | Death  | Birth | Person ID |
1 |
Dennis, Sarah | 22 Nov 1732 | (here) | 18 Jul 1673 | Woodbridge, Middlesex County, _, _ | I21972 |
2 |
Fitzradolph, Nathaniel Jr | 16 Sep 1757 | (here) | 24 May 1753 | (here) | I31419 |
3 |
Fitzrandolph, Abigail | Abt 1767 | (here) | 18 Oct 1739 | (here) | I31416 |
4 |
Fitzrandolph, Ann | Apr 1798 | (here) | 7 May 1734 | (here) | I31414 |
5 |
Fitzrandolph, Benjamin Jr | Jan 1758 | (here) | 24 Apr 1699 | Stony Brook, _, _, _ | I27174 |
6 |
Fitzrandolph, Elizabeth | 6 Sep 1757 | (here) | 15 Feb 1757 | (here) | I31420 |
7 |
Fitzrandolph, Elizabeth | 4 Oct 1785 | (here) | 31 Dec 1708 | Piscataway, Middlesex County, _, _ | I31409 |
8 |
Fitzrandolph, Grace | 26 Feb 1786 | (here) | 31 Dec 1708 | (here) | I31410 |
9 |
Fitzrandolph, Hannah | 7 Oct 1846 | (here) | 20 Jan 1744 | (here) | I31411 |
10 |
Fitzrandolph, Hope | Aug 1741 | (here) | 12 Feb 1696/97 | Stoney Brook, _, _, _ | I31407 |
11 |
Fitzrandolph, Job | 11 Apr 1760 | (here) | 6 Nov 1737 | (here) | I31415 |
12 |
Fitzrandolph, Nathaniel | 1786 | (here) | 11 Nov 1703 | Stony Brook, _, _, _ | I21973 |
13 |
Fitzrandolph, Rachel | 31 Mar 1829 | (here) | 31 Jan 1742/43 | (here) | I31417 |
14 |
Fitzrandolph, Ruth | 1781 | (here) | 4 Jan 1735 | (here) | I21964 |
15 |
Fitzrandolph, Samuel | 25 Feb 1825 | (here) | 2 May 1741 | (here) | I31422 |
16 |
Fitzrandolph, Sarah | 3 Apr 1759 | (here) | 26 Apr 1732 | Sassafras River, Kent County, Maryland, _ | I31421 |
17 |
Fitzrandolph, Sarah | 1 Jul 1812 | (here) | 19 Jan 1751 | (here) | I31418 |
18 |
Houghton, Ann | 20 Oct 1738 | (here) | 1 Jan 1679 | Long Island City, Queens, New York, _ | I21995 |
19 |
Mershon, Houghton | 13 Jul 1798 | (here) | 19 Jul 1717 | Coxs Corner, _, _, _ | I28806 |
20 |
Mershon, Rebekah | 1786 | (here) | 10 Mar 1711 | Stony Brook, _, _, _ | I21974 |
21 |
Skillman, Christopher | 1782 | (here) | 1732 | (here) | I21963 |
Name  | Burial  | Birth | Death | Person ID |
1 |
Dennis, Sarah | | Stony Brook Quaker Meeting House Burial Ground… | 18 Jul 1673 | Woodbridge, Middlesex County, _, _ | 22 Nov 1732 | (here) | I21972 |
2 |
Fitzrandolph, Benjamin Jr | | Stony Brook Quaker Meeting House Burial Ground… | 24 Apr 1699 | Stony Brook, _, _, _ | Jan 1758 | (here) | I27174 |
3 |
Fitzrandolph, Benjamin | | Stony Brook Quaker Meeting House Burial Ground… | 4 Apr 1663 | Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, _ | 5 Oct 1746 | Stony Brook, _, _, _ | I21971 |
4 |
Fitzrandolph, Grace | | Stony Brook Quaker Meeting House Burial Ground… | 25 Jul 1692 | Piscataway, Middlesex County, _, _ | 1705 | Piscataway, Middlesex County, _, _ | I31405 |
5 |
Fitzrandolph, Nathaniel | | Holder Hall, Princeton University… | 11 Nov 1703 | Stony Brook, _, _, _ | 1786 | (here) | I21973 |
6 |
Fitzrandolph, Sarah | | Stony Brook Quaker Meeting House Burial Ground… | 22 Nov 1728 | (here) | | | I32044 |
7 |
Mershon, Rebekah | | (here) | 10 Mar 1711 | Stony Brook, _, _, _ | 1786 | (here) | I21974 |
8 |
Pridemore, Elizabeth | | Stony Brook Quaker Meeting House Burial Ground… | 1703 | New Jersey, _ | | | I27175 |